Automatic Power Factor Correction

Automatic Power Factor Correction Manufacturer From Ahmedabad, India

APFC-Automatic Power Factor Control (APFC) Panels, is an automatic power factor control panel which is used to improve the power factor, whenever required, by switching ON and OFF the required capacitor bank units automatically based on the compensation required in an electrical system.

Power Factor can be explained as ratio of active power to apparent power and it is a key factor in saving power. We all know that power is precious and hence saving power should be the resolve of every industry or institution. Money saved is money earned and similarly power saved is as good as power generated. The cost of saving power is minuscule compared to the investment, time and infrastructure needed for power generation not to forget the depletion of natural resources.


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Industries today have a large variation in load and hence the requirement of compensation varies. It is imperative to maintain power close to unity to achieve maximum saving and hence variation of capacitor rating has to be achieved with precision. This variation are periodic and even dynamic and hence the capacitors has to operate based on the variation of load. APFC Panels come real handy in the achievement of this purpose and application of APFC panels becomes indispensable inindustries with constant change in load pattern through the day. The power tariff in many power utilities have modified such that both lag and lead PF can incur higher losses and also higher consumption of units.

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